Our services

Goods storage, cold storage and customs

Taste Your Solution

Frigorpelli gives you the warehouse flexibility you need.

What do we offer specifically?

  • Refrigerated storage arearaw hides reg. 853/2004
  • Refrigerated storage area raw hides category 3 reg. 1069/2009
  • Refrigerated storage area skins wet white and wet blue
  • Area used as a general leather store
  • Chemical storage area
  • Desalting hides
  • Vision and choice of skins
  • Logistics
Customs Services
Aims, benefits and insights.
  • Customs operations
  • Refrigerated storage area raw hides authorized to private customs warehouse and VAT tax warehouse
  • Area authorized for private customs warehouse and VAT tax warehouse
Refrigerated storage area for raw hides Reg. 853/2004
Refrigerated storage area raw hides category 3 Reg. 1069/2009
Refrigerated storage area skins Wet White and Wet Blue
Area used as a warehouse for hides and general goods
Chemical storage area
Desalting hides
Vision and choice of skins
Logistics: Temporary storage account third parties for transport companies
Customs and tax operations
Refrigerated storage area raw hides, authorized to private customs warehouse and VAT tax warehouse
Area authorized to private customs warehouse and VAT warehouse of hides and general goods

In detail

Our services and basic information

Refrigerated storage area for raw hides Reg. 853/2004

Our warehouse for the storage of hides intended for human consumption is equipped to guarantee the highest standards of hygiene and health. Hides are stored in controlled temperature and humidity environments to prevent any kind of contamination or deterioration. The warehouse is regularly monitored and subjected to rigorous quality controls, ensuring that the hides maintain all their nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. We are dedicated to providing a reliable and safe service, in line with all applicable regulations.

Refrigerated storage area raw hides category 3 Reg. 1069/2009

For the storage of raw hides of category 3, our warehouse is equipped with all the necessary equipment to ensure the best storage conditions. These hides, not intended for food use, are stored in controlled temperature and humidity environments to avoid degradation and maintain their quality. The facility complies with all health and safety regulations, ensuring safe and proper treatment. We constantly monitor the warehouse to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.

Refrigerated storage area skins Wet White and Wet Blue

Our refrigerated warehouse is specialized in the storage of Wet White and Wet Blue hides, guaranteeing ideal conditions of temperature and humidity to maintain product quality. Hides are stored in controlled environments, preventing degradation and ensuring they remain in good condition until processing. Careful management of the warehouse allows to constantly monitor storage conditions, offering a reliable and high quality service.

Area used as a warehouse for hides and general goods

Our warehouse offers a reliable and quality service, for the storage of different types of hides, such as:

  • Wet Blue
  • Crust
  • Finished

And goods generally as:

  • Plastic and/or rubber
  • Fabrics
  • Industrial materials in general

Goods are stored in a safe, secure and controlled environment to offer the best to our customers.

Chemical storage area

We offer warehouses for the storage of chemical products treated with the utmost care, respecting the required preservation parameters as well as the applicable safety measures.

Our team guarantees the best solution for stock management such as incoming and outgoing logistics and proper handling in accordance with the level of hazardous substances.

Desalting hides

The desalting hides is a mechanical process used to remove salt from raw hides. A service that thanks to our team we provide our customers to meet their needs.

The service includes: partial desalination for experts who have the task of checking the integrity and quality of the goods received from customers or total desalination for preparation for the phase of putting the goods into operation, Ensuring optimum quality of the final product.

Vision and choice of skins

Do you need space to choose your goods? Or privacy to let your customers view the goods?

Frigorpelli can provide you with spaces to help you in the trade of your goods, guaranteeing the availability of our staff in compliance with all safety and privacy regulations.

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Logistics: Temporary storage account third parties for transport companies

Do you need transit space for your goods?

We offer to the shippers and/or transporters, the possibility of temporarily leaving the goods in our warehouse to give them the possibility to organize their own trips and withdrawals in the best way and less time required. Relying on Frigorpelli also means efficiency.

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Customs service

Area used as a warehouse for hides and general goods

Our warehouse offers a reliable and quality service, for the storage of different types of hides, such as:

  • Wet Blue
  • Crust
  • Finished

And goods generally as:

  • Plastic and/or rubber
  • Fabrics
  • Industrial materials in general

Goods are stored in a safe, secure and controlled environment to offer the best to our customers.

Customs and tax operations

We can offer various types of customs operations:

  • Customs clearance directly at our authorized location
  • Final imports and exports
  • TPA Traffic of Active Processing (works in Italy with goods coming from third country)
  • Duty free allowances
  • Management of customs and tax warehouses

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Refrigerated storage area raw hides, authorized to private customs warehouse and VAT tax warehouse

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Area authorized to private customs warehouse and VAT warehouse of hides and general goods

Aims, benefits and insights

The simplest way to define a customs warehouse is to explain it as a warehouse for storing goods coming from abroad, kept under the control of the customs authorities.

The Customs Warehouse, or Bonded Warehouse, is a place authorized by the Customs Authority to temporarily store non-Community goods keeping them in foreign state.
This means that goods within the warehouse are not subject to the customs duties normally provided for, such as VAT and import duties, and remain under a suspensive regime pending the allocation of the final destination.

The most important advantage of a customs warehouse is that it allows you to charge duty and VAT only when the goods are removed or sold, rather than at the time the goods arrive.

The benefits of a customs warehouse are reserved for non-Union goods, but the customs authorities may authorise the storage of Union goods.

The company that brings its goods into a customs warehouse leaves them available for checks by the authorities and, in return, benefits from a tax and customs suspension, as if the goods brought were still abroad.

Companies rely on customs warehouses to have a stock of goods in a given country, ready to be distributed and then have the goods ready for viewing, ready for sale and ready for delivery at the time of order.

Customs warehousing simplifies the procurement of untaxed goods and allows them to be placed on the market in a short time.

The customs warehouse is designed to store non-Community goods so that they are not subject to duties and VAT until they leave the warehouse.

The tax warehouse, on the other hand, receives Community or national goods without being subject to VAT until they leave the warehouse.

Who pays for the customs warehouse?

All of these benefits, of course, come at a cost to the company benefiting from them and bringing the goods into the scheme. There are cost items that indicate custody costs, customs costs of introduction, handling fees, and eventual costs.

The time of removal, or the withdrawal of the goods from the customs warehouse, coincides with that of the tax and customs.

There is the possibility to withdraw the goods several times, so the charges will be proportional to the number of items withdrawn from time to time.


We reply in maximum 24 hours

Frigorpelli S.r.l.

Via Seconda Strada 65 (Industrial area)
36071 Arzignano (VI), Italia
Tel. 0444 672964
Tax code and VAT 00527920243