Crucial flexibility

Goods storage, cold storage and customs

Leathers - Chemicals - Plastics - Storage of machinery in general

Why should you rely on us for the storage of your products?

Choosing Frigorpelli means simplifying the management of your goods and ensuring safe storage in accordance with the law.

  • No need to rent a warehouse, saving time and resources.
  • Documentation reduced to a minimum, we manage for you all the bureaucratic and administrative procedures.
  • Safe and controlled storage area, which guarantees maximum protection and quality.
  • No loading and unloading, we take care of all the logistics.
  • Compliance with applicable health and customs regulations, relieving you of any legal concerns.

Rely on Frigorpelli for a simplified, efficient and hassle-free logistics management.


Quality, environment and traceability

We operate according to the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 in the following fields of application: Storage of hides in warehouses with controlled temperature and humidity and provision of cold storage services under domiciliation and tax warehousing regime.


We reply in maximum 24 hours

Frigorpelli S.r.l.

Via Seconda Strada 65 (Industrial area)
36071 Arzignano (VI), Italia
Tel. 0444 672964
Tax code and VAT 00527920243